
April 26, 2010

Wind in my earrings

Last fall I was standing with a group of girls outside of the church building.  As we talked, I noticed a persistent whistling noise that no one else seemed to be hearing ( I know right - insert crazy joke here).  I asked for quiet and listened hard.   

One of my friends bent close to my ear and cried, "It's your earrings!"  As my eyes caught hers in surprise, we burst into laughter.  Each person demanded to get close to my ear and listen to the whistling noise.  One by one, laughter rippled through our group.  We had been talking in low, concerned voices about worries and concerns.  But suddenly I found myself giggling.  

Awhile ago, I began to keep count of those moments by joining the Gratitude Community.  Now that I have a blog, I hope to increase my awareness by intentionally adding to the list every Monday.  

32. A finished, 275-page manual of which I'm proud.

33. A late night conversation with my blunt, yet kind sister (the best combination).

34. Silent moments in the car with my roommate listening to gospel music.

35. A funny confession from a friend which proved her honest nature.

36. The physical ability to help a friend move this weekend.  It is still miraculous to me.

37. A place for me to rest during the in-between.

38. A place for me to go that was unforeseen.

39. A perfectly timed, well deserved trip to Ireland for the parental units.

40. Reading books to snugly kids before bedtime.

41. The Texas wildflowers that line my drive to work.

This post is a part of:

holy experience

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